Piedmont Learning Academy
"Enriching Students' Education through Exciting Experiences and Exploration"
For information regarding PLA contact:
Alana Norman
MPower Piedmont Learning Academy
"Enriching Students' Education through Exciting Experiences and Exploration."
The PLA program offers a variety of exciting activities which stimulate students to lead healthier, and happier lives. Students participate in extended enrichment programs designed to enrich their lives through:
Technology Programs: promoting student growth in academics,
Virtual Tours: Enriched Learning/Activities,
Recreational Activities: Swimming, Health and Wellness Classes: Aerobics, and more,
Nutrition Awareness: Cooking Classes
STEM and STEAM Classes
Robotics Class
Character Building and Etiquette Programs
History and Cultural Connection Classes
Performing Arts: Dance, music, theatre, visual arts
The PLA curriculum correlates with the
College and Career Ready Standards to ensure student success for
all students.