Pup Club
The Pup Club members will ride the bus to the Piedmont High School Pep Rally each Friday during football season. All Pup Club members must be picked up at Piedmont High School after the pep rally by 3:15.
Students in grades 2-5 must be picked up in the back of the gym near the PHS Booster Club Trailer. Students in Kindergarten and First Grade must be picked up in the front of the gym. The older siblings of students in Kindergarten and First Grade will go to the front of the gym to be picked up with the younger siblings.
Please do not leave your vehicle in the car line to pick up your child inside the gym!
Directions for entering the car lines at PHS:
Grades K-1 and older siblings
Turn into the school parking lot from Tom Bible Highway
Once in the parking lot, turn right and form a double line along the softball field fence.
Follow the instructions of the school personnel loading the cars and directing the traffic.
Grades 2-5
Enter the gate for the PHS Booster Club Trailer area of the high school stadium.
Form a pick up line by the PHS Booster Club Trailer and the back side of the PHS Field House. Follow instructions from the school personnel loading cars and directing the traffic.